Enrolment options
Based on the book Management/Mismanagement Styles by Dr. Ichak Adizes, this course introduces several key concepts of the Adizes Methodology for Organizational Transformation; Complimentary Teams, Management Styles and Roles of Management. Learners will gain an understanding of the four primary management styles, learn to identify them and then practice the fundamentals of building highly effective teams with the Adizes concept of Coalesced Authority, Power and Influence (Capi). This course includes the following video learning sections:
Learners will interactively experience video lectures from Dr, Ichak Adizes, review related articles, supported reading, review a summary of each video and be challenged with a knowledge check for each section. Ultimately, learners will pass a module exam to earn a Completion Badge. Collect all six module badges to earn an Adizes Certificate of Completion for the Top Leadership Training Course.
- Manager: Steven Woodruff