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The world is in a constant state of change, and organizations need to be able to adapt to change in order to survive.  This course discusses organizational mission and structures.  Organizations need to ask themselves key questions such as: What business are we in? Are we in the right field? Should we remodel the business in response to change? Learners will understand and practice developing a mission statement and consider organizational structures and talent resources needed to achieve that mission in relation to their position on the Corporate Lifecycle.

This course includes the following video learning sections:

  • How to Define an Organization Mission
  • What is First: Strategy or Mission?
  • Is Your Company Structured Right?
  • How to Structure a Small Company
  • Accountability
  • How to Hire the Right People

Learners will interactively experience video lectures from Dr, Ichak Adizes, review related articles, supported reading, review a summary of each video and be challenged with a knowledge check for each section.

Ultimately, learners will pass a module exam to earn a Completion Badge.

Collect all six module badges to earn an Adizes Certificate of Completion for the Top Leadership Training Course.

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